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Izinzuzo zemishini yokuqinisa imvamisa ephezulu kanye nezinzuzo zamathuluzi omshini wokuqina womsindo omkhulu

Izinzuzo of imishini yokuqinisa imvamisa ephezulu kanye nezinzuzo zamathuluzi omshini wokuqina womsindo omkhulu:

1. Uhlobo lokulawula okuzenzakalelayo lungalungisa isikhathi sokushisa, isikhathi sokubamba kanye nokubamba amandla; ukwandisa kakhulu inqubo yokushisa yensimbi, ukuze ukuphakama komkhiqizo kusetshenziswe ngokugcwele.

2. Easy to use and simple to operate: light weight, small size, simple installation, can be completed in a few minutes, occupying a very small area, and simple operation.

3. Ukuphepha okuphezulu: I-voltage ephumayo ingaphansi kuka-36V, igwema ingozi yokushaqeka kukagesi we-voltage ephezulu, futhi iphephile futhi izinzile.

4. Ukusebenza kahle kokushisisa kuphezulu njengo-90%, cishe awukho ugesi odingekayo esimweni sokulinda, futhi ungasebenza ngokuqhubekayo amahora angu-24 ukuthuthukisa ukusebenza kahle kokukhiqiza;

5. Inzwa ingahlukaniswa ngokushesha futhi ishintshwe ngokukhululeka, futhi ukufudumeza okushesha kakhulu kunciphisa kakhulu ukusonteka kwe-oxidation yomsebenzi.

6. Energy-saving and environmental protection: The latest environmentally friendly products that replace oxygen, acetylene, coal and other hazardous materials heating, and production without open flame is safer and more reliable.

7. It has complete automatic protection functions for over current, over pressure, over temperature, water shortage, and water shortage, and is equipped with a fault self-diagnosis and alarm system.