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Kungaphansi kwaziphi izimo lapho umenzi wesiqandisi angasiqinisekisi iwaranti?

Kungaphansi kwaziphi izimo lapho umenzi wesiqandisi angasiqinisekisi iwaranti?

The first type is damage to the compressor or other components caused by abnormal use.

Yiqiniso, umenzi wesiqandisi akaqinisekisi umonakalo ezingxenyeni ezibangelwa ukusetshenziswa okungavamile. Lokhu kuyafana nanoma yimiphi eminye imikhiqizo. Kunconywa ukusebenzisa nokusebenzisa isiqandisi ngokuhambisana nenqubo evamile yokusebenza ukuze ugweme umenzi wesiqandisi ekuqinisekiseni iwaranti. .

The second is after disassembly and repair by yourself.

Uma inkampani ihlakaza futhi ilungisa isiqandisi ngokwayo lapho sisetshenziswa, umkhiqizi wesiqandisi ngeke anikeze iwaranti, ngoba ngemva kokuhlakaza nokulungiswa yedwa, umenzi akakwazi ukunquma ukuthi isiqandisi singasebenzi kahle ngaphansi kwezimo ezijwayelekile zokusebenza. Ayikhiphi amanye amathuba enziwe ngumuntu, kanye nokwehluleka okwenzeka ngemva kokuzihlakaza nokulungisa.

The third type is damage caused by self-adjusting system parameters.

As the refrigerating machine user company has adjusted the relevant parameters by itself, it is impossible for the manufacturer to guarantee the warranty if it is damaged. In other words, you can adjust the settings yourself, but if it is damaged, the manufacturer will not be able to carry out the warranty. It is not a quality problem of the refrigerator.

Uhlobo lwesine wukugcwalisa kabusha isiqandisi ngokwaso.

The refrigerator cannot be modified at will. If you modify it at will, the refrigerator may be damaged. If the refrigerator is damaged due to the modification of the refrigerator by yourself, the refrigerator manufacturer does not guarantee the warranty.

Fifth, damage occurs during transportation and installation (in the case of the customer’s own transportation and installation).

Ngaphansi kwesisekelo sokuthi ikhasimende linesibopho sokuthutha nokufakwa, umenzi wesiqandisi akaqinisekisi umonakalo nokwehluleka kwesiqandisi. Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi umonakalo wenzeke lapho ikhasimende linesibopho sokuthutha nokufaka, okungewona umthwalo womkhiqizi wesiqandisi.