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Inqubo ejwayelekile yokuhamba komugqa wokukhiqiza wokucisha nokushisa

Inqubo ejwayelekile yokuhamba komugqa wokukhiqiza wokucisha nokushisa

The quenching and tempering production line includes feeding, steel pipe heating, quenching, quenching cooling bed, tempering heating, tempering cooling bed, cold straightening, flaw detection, blanking and other processes. The whole line should have the characteristics of high degree of automation, data tracking, stable operation, fast speed, work safety, and environmental protection.

1 Ukugeleza kwenqubo:

1.1 Inqubo yokunciphisa nokushisa:

Iyalayisha-Ukucima ukushisisa-Cima-Ukucima umbhede opholisayo-Ukushisa okushisayo-Umbhede obandayo obandayo-Ukuqondisa okubandayo (ukuqondisa kabili)-Ukutholwa kwamaphutha-Ukukhipha

1.2 Inqubo yokwelapha ejwayelekile:

Ukulayisha—ukushisa okuvamile—okujwayelekile—umbhede wokupholisa ojwayelekile—ukuqondisa okubandayo (ukuqondisa kabili)—ukuthulula