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Epoxy fiberglass ibhodi

Epoxy fiberglass ibhodi

Epoxy glass fiber board is suitable for use as insulating structural parts in motors and electrical equipment, and can be used in humid environments and transformer oil. With high mechanical and electrical properties, it is widely used in generators, motors, and electronic appliances. As insulating materials and components. It is also very suitable in transformer oil pressure environment and humidity environment.

Umkhiqizo Isingeniso

Ama-resin epoxy ngokuvamile abhekisela kumakhemikhali e-organic polymer aqukethe amaqembu amabili noma ngaphezulu epoxy ku-molecule. Ngaphandle kwabambalwa, izihlobo zabo zamangqamuzana ezihlobene aziphakeme. Isakhiwo samangqamuzana se-epoxy resin sibonakala ngeqembu elisebenzayo le-epoxy ochungechungeni lwamangqamuzana. Iqembu le-epoxy lingatholakala ekugcineni, maphakathi noma ngesakhiwo sokujikeleza kochungechunge lwamangqamuzana. Ngoba ukwakheka kwamangqamuzana kuqukethe amaqembu asebenzayo epoxy, angabhekana nokusabela okuxhumanisa nezinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zama-ejenti aphulukisayo ukuze akhe ama-polymers angaxazululeki futhi angenakufakwa anezindlela ezintathu zenethiwekhi.