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Izinzuzo zemishini yokushisa yokungenisa imvamisa ephezulu

Izinzuzo imishini yokufudumeza efrikhwensi ephezulu

1. Imishini yokushisisa ye-high-frequency induction iyonga kakhulu amandla futhi ayihambisani nemvelo: iwuguquko ezindleleni zokufudumeza. Futhi iwukushisa ngogesi, kodwa ingonga u-40% kagesi kuneziko likagesi namahhavini kagesi.

2. Ukusebenza kahle kwemishini yokushisa ye-high-frequency induction kungahlangabezana nezidingo ezihlukahlukene: kungashisisa ngokushesha izinto zensimbi kunoma yikuphi ukushisa okudingekayo, kuhlanganise nendawo yayo yokuncibilika.

3. High-frequency induction heating equipment is more efficient: it does not need to generate high temperature first and then heat the metal object heated by it like other heating methods, and can directly generate high temperature in the metal object.

4. High-frequency induction heating equipment can achieve precise control: it can not only heat the metal object as a whole, but also selectively heat each part locally.