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Heating furnace for steel pipe production

Heating furnace for steel pipe production

We are a professional manufacturer of heating furnaces for steel pipes, well-known brands for many years, and have a number of independent property rights. We can customize the solutions of heating furnaces for steel pipes according to your process requirements, and create high-quality heating furnaces for steel pipes. We are Direct sales manufacturers, cheap, telephone consultation, free to provide you with quotations and program selection for the production of steel pipe induction heating equipment.

Main technical parameters and characteristics of heating furnace for steel pipe production:

1. Uhlelo lokuphakela amandla: IGBT200KW-IGBT2000KW.

2. Impahla yokusebenza: insimbi ye-carbon, i-alloy steel

3. Umthamo wemishini: amathani angu-0.5-12 ngehora.

4. Amarola okucindezelayo alungiseka kalula: Izingcezu zokusebenza zamadayamitha ahlukene zingaphakelwa ngesivinini esifanayo. Ithebula le-roller kanye nama-roller acindezelayo phakathi kwemizimba yesithando somlilo enziwe nge-304 non-magnetic stainless steel and water-cooled.

5. Isilinganiso sokushisa kwe-infrared: Idivayisi yokulinganisa izinga lokushisa le-infrared isethwe ekugcineni kokukhipha ukuze kugcinwe izinga lokushisa lokushisa kwe-workpiece lingaguquki.

6. Nikeza ikhonsoli ekude ngesikrini sokuthinta noma isistimu yekhompyutha yezimboni ngokwezidingo zakho.

7. Isikrini sokuthinta esibonakalayo somshini womuntu we-PLC uhlelo lokulawula oluhlakaniphile oluzenzakalelayo, imiyalelo yokusebenza esebenziseka kalula.

8. All-digital, high-depth adjustable parameters allow you to control the steel pipe heating furnace with ease.

9. Uhlelo lokuphatha ibanga eliqinile kanye nohlelo lokubuyisela ukhiye owodwa ophelele.