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What should I do if the throttle valve fails in the long-term operation of industrial chiller equipment?

What should I do if the throttle valve fails in the long-term operation of industrial chiller equipment?

The main reason for the failure of the chiller to control the flow rate is the failure of the throttle valve. The main function of the throttle valve is to determine the water flow rate according to the specific operating power of the existing chiller. If the environment requires a relatively high low temperature, the existing chiller is required to increase the flow rate of the water flow. Only when the water flow speed of the existing chiller is increased can a large amount of heat be transported in a short period of time, so as to achieve the purpose of quickly lowering the ambient temperature.

After long-term use of the existing chiller, in order to maintain the normal operation of the throttle valve, the existing chiller needs to be cleaned up regularly. Especially for water-cooled existing chiller equipment, due to different water quality, the amount of scale existing at the throttle valve position is different. For environments with poor water quality, it is necessary to install water softening equipment for the equipment according to the actual operating environment. With the help of water softening equipment, it is possible to avoid problems such as excessive scale, resulting in poor heat dissipation of the existing chiller, which affects the safe and stable operation of the chiller. Even if the energy consumption of the existing chiller runs within the same space, there will be a wide range of changes. Only when the throttle valve failure can be dealt with in a timely manner can the existing chiller run efficiently.