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What additives need to be added to melt molten iron in induction melting furnace

What additives need to be added to melt molten iron in induction melting furnace

The induction melting furnace uses electricity as energy to make the induction coil of the furnace body generate a magnetic field to melt pig iron or scrap steel. The induction melting furnace only needs to add pig iron, scrap steel and carbon, silicon, manganese and other alloys to melt according to different grades, such as gray iron 250 or ductile iron 500. The temperature of the molten iron can reach above 1500℃, and the slag remover can be sprinkled before the furnace is discharged.

According to the brand you produce, add other small materials such as alloys, slag removal agent for removing slag, and add recarburizer if you need to increase carbon.