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What are the consequences if air enters the condenser of the refrigerator?

What are the consequences if air enters the condenser of the refrigerator?

Refrigerator, also known as freezer or chiller, is a kind of refrigeration equipment that can change the temperature of the surrounding environment. Air is a gas that cannot be liquefied. What I want to share with you below is what serious consequences will be caused if the air enters the condenser of the refrigerator?

The chiller manufacturer tells you that if air enters the condenser of the chiller, it will cause the following consequences:

1. The condensing pressure increases. If air enters the condenser of the refrigerator, it will occupy part of the volume and generate pressure. In addition to the pressure of the refrigerant, the total pressure will increase;

2. The heat transfer efficiency is reduced. If the air exists in the condenser of the refrigerator, a gas layer will be generated, which will increase the thermal resistance, which will increase the water content and will corrode the pipeline after a long time;

3. Accidents are prone to occur. When the chiller is working, the exhaust temperature of the chiller equipment is relatively high. If it encounters objects such as fuel, it will easily explode and cause injury to the staff.

Summary: If air is found to enter the condenser during the use of the refrigerant, the equipment should be shut down immediately to remove the air. If it cannot be operated, the chiller manufacturer should be notified in time to avoid personal injury or death.