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Continuous casting billet hot rolling heating furnace

Continuous casting billet hot rolling heating furnace

Main technical parameters of continuous casting billet hot rolling heating furnace:

1. Power supply system: dual rectifier twelve-pulse or twenty-four-pulse 1000KW~12000KW/500HZ~1200Hz single power supply can be used independently or multiple power supplies can be used in parallel.

2. Production efficiency: 40 tons-300 tons per hour, (designed and produced according to your needs)

3. Scope of application: 50mm-160mm square billet, length 2000mm-12000mm

4. የመመገቢያ ሥርዓት፡- እያንዳንዱ ዘንግ በገለልተኛ ሞተር መቀነሻ ይንቀሳቀሳል፣ ባለብዙ ዘንግ ድራይቭ ይዘጋጃል እና ባለብዙ ዘንግ አሠራርን ለማመሳሰል ነጠላ ኢንቮርተር ቁጥጥር ይደረግበታል።

5. የመመሪያ ስርዓት፡- 304 መግነጢሳዊ ያልሆነ አይዝጌ ብረት መመሪያ ጎማ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል፣ እና የመመሪያው ተሽከርካሪው በተፈቀደው የቢሌት ክልል ውስጥ ካለው መታጠፍ ጋር ለመላመድ በአክሲያል አቅጣጫ መጠነኛ የመለጠጥ ችሎታ አለው።

6. Temperature closed loop system: The heating temperature of the billet is controlled by the American Raytech infrared thermometer, and the heating uniformity is displayed in real time.

7. Energy conversion: According to the surface temperature of the billet, the electricity consumption per ton of steel is 20-60 degrees.

8. Man-machine interface PLC fully automatic intelligent operating system, “one-key start” production is worry-free.

9. All-digital, high-depth adjustable parameters, allowing you to control Yuantuo induction heating equipment handily.