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Take the breathable brick as an example, briefly describe the basic knowledge of refractory materials

ይውሰዱ መተንፈስ የሚችል ጡብ እንደ ምሳሌ፣ የማጣቀሻ ቁሳቁሶችን መሠረታዊ እውቀት በአጭሩ ይግለጹ

For steel manufacturers and refractory materials industry, breathable bricks are very important and common refractory products; taking breathable bricks as an example, this article discusses the refractory materials from the four aspects of thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, refractoriness, and load softening temperature. Basic knowledge.

创新 材料

(ሥዕል) አንጸባራቂ

የማጣቀሻ እቃዎች የሙቀት ማስተላለፊያ (thermal conductivity): የሙቀት መቆጣጠሪያ የአንድን ንጥረ ነገር የሙቀት መጠን ያሳያል. የሙቀት ማስተላለፊያው የበለጠ, የሙቀት መቆጣጠሪያው የተሻለ ይሆናል. የ ladle አየር-የሚተላለፉ ጡቦች ጥግግት ትልቅ ነው, እና አማቂ conductivity በተመሳሳይ ትልቅ ነው.

Specific heat capacity of refractory materials: Specific heat capacity represents the heat absorption or heat dissipation capacity of an object. The larger the specific heat capacity, the stronger the corresponding heat absorption or heat dissipation capacity. The specific heat capacity of ventilated bricks is related to its baking and cooling time.

Refractoriness of refractory materials: As mentioned in the previous article, it is a technical indicator that integrates the chemical composition, dispersion, proportion and viscosity of the liquid phase contained in the material. Refractoriness is one of the important indicators of refractory materials. Refractory materials need to be able to withstand the high temperature of the use scene during use; for ventilating bricks, if the temperature of molten steel is too high, it will not only affect the life of the ventilating bricks, but even cause major leaks, etc. accident.

የማቀዝቀዣ ቁሳቁስ ጭነት ማለስለሻ ሙቀት: የቁሳቁስን ወደ ከፍተኛ የሙቀት መጠን መቋቋም እና በተመሳሳይ ጊዜ መጫንን ያመለክታል. የማጣቀሻ ምርቶች በክፍል ሙቀት ውስጥ ከፍተኛ የመጨመቂያ ጥንካሬ አላቸው, ነገር ግን በከፍተኛ ሙቀቶች ከተጫኑ በኋላ, ቅርጻቸው እና የመጨመቂያ ጥንካሬያቸውን ይቀንሳሉ.