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Technical Specifications of Insulation Pads

Technical Specifications of Insulation Pads

Insulation pads are divided into bayonet, screw and other methods from the equipment method, and the materials are divided into bakelite, plastic, metal, ceramics and other materials. The lamp sockets of fluorescent lamps are generally called T8 lamp sockets or T5 lamp sockets, etc. According to the application environment, some lamp sockets have a protection level of up to IP68. When purchasing, please formulate corresponding IP protection level lamp sockets (waterproof, etc.) The general lamp holder will use the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission Standard) safety certification.

(1) According to the voltage level, it can be divided into 5kv, 10kv, 15kv, 20kv, 25kv, 30kv, 35kv;

(2) According to the color, it can be divided into: black insulating rubber pad, red insulating rubber pad, green insulating rubber pad, black-green composite insulating rubber pad

(3) According to the thickness, it can be divided into: 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm.

(4) According to the width, it can be divided into: 1 meter, 1.2 meters, 1.5 meters.

معايير الجودة

Appearance: no spots or unevenness: depth or height must not exceed the thickness tolerance of the rubber pad;

فقاعة: في كل متر مربع ، لا يوجد أكثر من 5 فقاعات لا تزيد مساحتها عن 1 سم 2 ، والمسافة بين أي فقاعتين لا تقل عن 40 مم ؛

الشوائب: يجب ألا يزيد العمق والطول عن سماكة الوسادة المطاطية وألا يقل عن 40 مم ؛

Irregular margins or spongy: the width does not exceed 10mm, and the length does not exceed 1/10 of the total length of the rubber pad;

Cracks: not allowed

It should be stored in a dry and ventilated environment, away from heat sources, and more than 20cm away from the ground and walls. Avoid being polluted by acid, alkali and oil, do not open to avoid direct sunlight.

المعيار الوطني

HG2949-1999 “Electrical Insulation Rubber Sheet” Standard Rules

Project: Power frequency withstand voltage test

Period: 1 year


Voltage level / power frequency withstand voltage / duration

High voltage /15kV/1min

Low voltage /3.5 kV/ 1min

ملاحظة: عند استخدام التجربة في المنطقة للمعدات الحية ، قم أولاً بتغطية الجزء العلوي والسفلي من الوسادة المطاطية العازلة بقطعة قماش مبللة أو ورق معدني ، ويجب أن تكون أصغر 200 مم من المنطقة المحيطة للوسادة المطاطية العازلة المراد اختبارها . سواء كانت هناك ظاهرة انهيار ، إذا لم يكن هناك انهيار ، فقد مرت التجربة. عندما يتم اختبار العينة في أقسام ، يجب أن تتطابق الهوامش التجريبية للقسمين.

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Insulation pad conventional equipment

(1) Thickness of 5KV insulating pad: 3mm Specific gravity: 5.8KG/m2 Color: red, green, black

(2) Thickness of 10KV insulating rubber pad: 5mm Specific gravity: 9.2KG/m2 Color: red, green, black

(3) Thickness of 15KV insulating rubber pad: 5mm Specific gravity: 9.2KG/m2 Color: red, green, black

(4) Thickness of 20KV insulating rubber pad: 6mm Specific gravity: 11KG/m2 Color: red, green, black

(5) Thickness of 25KV insulating rubber pad: 8mm Specific gravity: 14.8KG/m2 Color: red, green, black

(6) 30KV-35KV insulating pad thickness: 10mm 12mm specific gravity: 18.4KG/m2 22 KG/m2 color: red, green, black