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Aluminum rod, aluminum ingot induction heating machine

Aluminum rod, aluminum ingot індукцыйны нагрэў машыны

Агляд 1:

Aluminum rod and aluminum ingot induction heating machine is suitable for on-line heating and heating of trapezoidal aluminum rods and aluminum ingots. The equipment is an electromechanical integration structure. The complete set of equipment includes a KGPS300kw/0.2KHZ intermediate frequency power supply, a set of imitation induction heaters, and reactive power. One set of compensation capacitor bank, one set of temperature on-line closed-loop control system, one set of sliding guide rail for horizontal movement of equipment, one set of water cooling system (optional), etc.

This set of equipment is used for online temperature raising of trapezoidal aluminum rods and aluminum ingots. The rated power of the equipment is 300kw, the rated frequency is 200HZ, and the online temperature is 60-150℃. The output of aluminum rods and aluminum ingots with a cross-section of 2350 square millimeters is more than 4T per hour. The equipment automatically adjusts the output power, and the power consumption per ton of equipment is controlled within 60 kWh; the external dimensions of the equipment are 2400×1200×1300mm (or according to user requirements), the total weight is about 2.5T, and the water demand is about 15 t/h. The bottom of the equipment is designed with a linear guide, which can move about 1 meter horizontally to facilitate the removal of the equipment when the frequency multiplier is not needed for heating.

The equipment adopts a temperature closed-loop control method (manual manual operation is also designed). The equipment can be started after the aluminum rods and aluminum ingots enter the furnace body. The user only needs to set the temperature of the aluminum rods and aluminum ingots. The output power of the equipment is based on the aluminum rods, The automatic adjustment of the initial temperature of the aluminum ingot and the set final temperature completely overturns the disadvantage that similar equipment cannot adjust the temperature by adjusting the power. When the equipment is running, there is no need to be on duty at all. Even if the aluminum rods and aluminum ingots suddenly do not move in the furnace, the power of the equipment will automatically adjust to the heat preservation state, and the aluminum rods and aluminum ingots will not be over-burned.

The double-frequency heater equipment has the characteristics of high degree of automation, fast temperature increase, small temperature difference between aluminum rod and aluminum ingot core, energy saving and consumption reduction, and stable and reliable operation. The service life of the complete set of equipment is designed and manufactured to be no less than 20 years.

  1. Technical parameter selection of aluminum rod and aluminum ingot induction heating machine
1 Электрычныя параметры
магутнасць трансфарматара Кілавольт-ампер 400
Другаснае напружанне трансфарматара V 380
Намінальная магутнасць крыніцы харчавання прамежкавай частаты KW 350
Выхаднае напружанне (горлы печы) V 750
працоўная частата Hz 200
выхад Т / г ≥4
Спажываная магутнасць Квт/т ≤ 60
  1. Water system parameters
Паток вады t/h 15
Ціск падачы вады Мпа 0.1-0.2
Тэмпература вады на ўваходзе 5 ~ 35 ℃
Тэмпература на выхадзе <50 цалі

3. Electrical technical description

Электрычная частка камплектацыі абсталявання ўключае шафу кіравання крыніцай харчавання прамежкавай частоты, сістэму рэгулявання тэмпературы з замкнёным контурам, знешні пульт кіравання, кандэнсатарную батарэю кампенсацыі рэактыўнай магутнасці і інш.

4. Description of induction furnace body

The induction furnace includes an electric furnace body, connecting copper bars, refractory mortar, water distribution system, etc.