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Hvordan man opnår komprimering af induktionsovnens tørre stampemateriale uden forkomprimering

hvordan man opnå komprimering af induktionsovn tørt rammemateriale uden forkomprimering

The filling density of induction furnace dry ramming material after molding is closely related to the pre-compression and the vibration force of the vibrator, the vibration frequency and the number of vibrators. Pre-compression can increase the initial packing density. Increasing the vibration frequency can also increase the packing density. When the ramming frequency is above 50Hz, increasing the vibration force can effectively increase the packing density of the vibrating body. When the dry vibrating material is not preloaded, the vibrating force generated by two ramming devices perpendicular to each other can also achieve a sufficient compactness effect.

Når jeg binder knuden, skal jeg først ryste den og derefter ryste den. Og vær opmærksom på teknikken for at sikre, at operationsprocessen først skal være let og derefter tungere. Derudover skal joysticket sættes i bunden én gang, og joysticket skal rystes otte til ti gange, hver gang det sættes i.

After the bottom of the stove is finished, make sure that it can be put into the dry pot smoothly. Only in this way can it be ensured that the forming is relatively standard, and it will generally be a standard annular triangle ring. Of course, in the whole knotting process, there are many steps that need to be paid attention to, and each step cannot be ignored.