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Dokokin kulawa na yau da kullun don murhun narkewar ƙarfe a cikin hunturu!

Regular maintenance rules for karfe narkewa tanderu a cikin hunturu!

1. To maintain the metal melting furnace, the first thing to do is to shut down for a week or half a month to check all the performance of the metal melting furnace in order to understand the situation of the metal melting furnace in time. The following are the inspection steps that must be done every day and one week or half a month.

2. Before operating the metal melting furnace, the water pump must be turned on for 10 minutes in advance, so as to observe whether there is water leakage and deal with it immediately if any water seepage is found, so as not to affect production.

3. Idan tanderun da ke narkewar ƙarfe ya gano yanayin zafin da ke cikin jikin mutum, to sai a bincika musabbabin nan da nan don ganin ko bututun ruwa ya naɗe, ya sa ruwan ya zama ƙasa da dumama, ko kuma akwai ƙazanta da ke toshe hannun rigar thyristor.

4. Idan ka ga cewa juriya zafin jiki na gyaran RC kariya a fili ya bambanta da sauran juriya, ya kamata ka duba nan da nan ko dalilin budewa da’ira ko juriya ya lalace, da dai sauransu Gabaɗaya, da reactor a fili zai yi wani buzzing sauti. idan aka kunna shi, sai ya dan ji zafi kadan.

5. Tsaftace hannun bututu gabaɗaya yana amfani da 20% maida hankali na dilute hydrochloric acid don yaduwa a cikin bututun hannun riga na mintuna 10 zuwa 15. Gabaɗaya, bayan wankewa, dole ne a shayar da ruwa 100% sau ɗaya kuma a bushe da iska mai matse kafin a yi amfani da shi, don kar a bar hydrochloric acid ya ruɓe hannun riga.

6. Hydraulic maintenance points: When using hydraulic oil, pay attention to the cleanliness of the oil and the amount of oil. Generally, it is necessary to replace the hydraulic oil once every six months and clean the filter once a month. Note that there are two filters in the hydraulic station. Do not let it work at the bottom of the hydraulic station. It must be placed on the shelf inside the hydraulic station to prevent iron filings in the hydraulic station from entering the hydraulic pump and damaging the pump.