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Features of high frequency quenching equipment

Features na high m quenching kayan aiki

1. The zafi tushen ne a kan surface na workpiece, da dumama gudun ne da sauri, da thermal yadda ya dace ne high.

2. Saboda workpiece ba mai tsanani a matsayin dukan, nakasawa ne kananan

3. The heating time of the workpiece is short, and the amount of surface oxidation and decarburization is small.

4. The surface hardness of the workpiece is high, the notch sensitivity is small, and the impact toughness, fatigue strength and wear resistance are greatly improved. It is beneficial to exert the potential of materials, save material consumption, and improve the service life of parts

5. Kayan aiki yana da ƙananan, sauƙin amfani da kyakkyawan yanayin aiki

6. Ease of mechanization and automation

7. Ba wai kawai amfani da surface quenching amma kuma a shigar azzakari cikin farji dumama da sinadaran zafi magani.