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Features of high frequency quenching equipment

xususiyatlari yuqori chastotali o’chirish uskunalari

1. Issiqlik manbai ishlov beriladigan qismning yuzasida, isitish tezligi tez va issiqlik samaradorligi yuqori

2. Ishlov beriladigan qism bir butun sifatida qizdirilmaganligi sababli, deformatsiya kichikdir

3. The heating time of the workpiece is short, and the amount of surface oxidation and decarburization is small.

4. The surface hardness of the workpiece is high, the notch sensitivity is small, and the impact toughness, fatigue strength and wear resistance are greatly improved. It is beneficial to exert the potential of materials, save material consumption, and improve the service life of parts

5. Uskunalar ixcham, ishlatish uchun qulay va yaxshi ish sharoitlari

6. Ease of mechanization and automation

7. Faqat sirtni söndürmede emas, balki penetratsion isitish va kimyoviy issiqlik bilan ishlov berishda ham qo’llaniladi.