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Melting process of aluminum-copper master alloy induction melting furnace

Melting process of aluminum-copper master alloy induction melting furnace

1. तैयार चार्ज को पूरी तरह से पहले से गरम कर लें;

2. Fill the furnace with 10-15% aluminum and all copper. As the copper melts, add the remaining aluminum ingots to the furnace in batches, and stir them fully until all of them are melted;

3. Add refining agent at about 700℃ (the amount is added according to the requirements of various refining agents, such as AWJ-3 refining agent, the amount added is 0.5-0.8%) for degassing and refining, and the slag is removed and the ingot is poured (ingot Thickness≤25mm).