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Dab tsi yog qhov txawv ntawm fiberglass rods thiab fiberglass rods rau induction cua sov rauv?

Dab tsi yog qhov txawv ntawm fiberglass rods thiab fiberglass rods rau induction cua sov rauv?

Fiberglass pas nrig yog pultruded fiberglass composite khoom, uas yog ib tug thermosetting yas ductile khoom tsim los ntawm nruam fiberglass roving thiab epoxy resin nyob rau hauv lub traction siv ntawm ib tug kub extrusion molding tshuab.

Cov txheej txheej resin nplua nuj nyob rau saum npoo muab nws zoo heev corrosion kuj, lub teeb yuag, siab compressive zog, zoo ductility, ruaj khov specifications thiab siab precision. Tsis tas li ntawd, nws muaj cov yam ntxwv zoo xws li rwb thaiv tsev, tsis yog thermal conductivity, nplaim hluav taws, zoo nkauj tsos thiab yooj yim txij nkawm, yog li nws yog ib qho khoom zoo heev los hloov cov hlau thiab lwm yam khoom hauv engineering tej yaam num nrog corrosive ntuj ib puag ncig.

And it is widely used in: fiber optic cable lifting core, fitness equipment products, flagpoles, awning poles, outdoor tent poles, grain machine screw rods, Roman poles, traffic sign poles, exhaust fan columns, vehicle antennas, engineering construction, bridge reinforcement, Mechanical equipment rotating shaft, golf club, courtyard fence, paper kite frame, aluminum film balloon frame, folding umbrella frame, support frame blanket frame, model aircraft frame, luggage leather frame, fishing gear accessories, etc.

fiberglass pas nrig

The glass fiber rod is a composite material that uses glass fiber and products (glass cloth, tape, felt, yarn, etc.) as the improvement material and resin material as the conventional material. The definition of composite material means that a material cannot be considered for application regulations, and it must be compounded by two or more materials to form another material that can be considered for everyone’s regulations, that is, composite materials.

Piv txwv li, ib hom iav fiber ntau, txawm tias nws lub zog compressive siab, yog xoob ntawm cov tshuaj fibers. Nws tsuas muaj peev xwm dais lub zog tensile, tab sis tsis tuaj yeem dais qhov khoov, txiav thiab compressive kev ntxhov siab, thiab nws tsis yooj yim los ua kom ruaj khov Geometric duab, yog lub cev mos.

If they are glued together with a resin material, a variety of solid products with a fixed shape can be made, which can bear not only tensile stress, but also bending, shrinking and shearing stress. This constitutes a glass fiber enhanced plastic matrix composite.