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Round steel intermediate frequency heating furnace

Round steel intermediate frequency heating furnace

China Songdao is a manufacturer specializing in the production of round steel intermediate frequency heating furnaces. Songdao Technology’s induction heating equipment includes: steel rod heating furnace, steel pipe heating equipment, billet heating furnace, steel pipe induction hardening equipment, steel rod quenching and tempering heat treatment production line, rebar Heat treatment equipment, round steel quenching and tempering electric furnace, steel pipe heat treatment production line, etc., with high quality and low price, choose Songdao Technology, your ideal induction heating equipment manufacturer.

Advantages of round steel intermediate frequency heating furnace:

1. Induction fais fab mov: zaus hloov dua siab tshiab, hloov pauv hloov pauv, hloov kho tus kheej, pib nrawm, thiab cov zis tawm ib teev ntawm 0.5-15 tons.

2. Induction cua sov system: Inductor yog customized raws li koj xav tau, qhov luaj li cas ntawm lub workpiece yog inductive rauv lub cev, qhov kub ntawm lub cub tawg lub cev yog controllable, lub zog-txuag, high-efficiency, thiab ceev.

3. Cov ntaub ntawv khaws cia: Lub thawv tuab-walled square tube yog welded los tsim ib lub platform cia, nrog rau qhov inclination ntawm 13 °, uas tuaj yeem khaws 6-8 daim.

4. Kev tswj qhov kub thiab txias: Infrared ntsuas kub ntsuas PLC kub kaw lub voj tsis siv neeg kub tswj qhov system.

5. PLC control of round steel intermediate frequency heating furnace: specially customized man-machine interface, highly user-friendly operation instructions, remote operation console of industrial computer system with touch screen, all-digital high-depth adjustable parameters, allowing you to control induction heating equipment More handy. There is a “one-key restore” system and a multi-language switching function.

6. Cov menyuam conveyor system: adopts ib tug teb conveying mechanism, lub axis ntawm cov menyuam conveyor thiab lub axis ntawm lub workpiece tsim ib lub kaum sab xis ntawm 18-21 degrees, cov menyuam conveyor ntawm lub cub tawg lub cev yog ua los ntawm 304 tsis-magnetic stainless hlau thiab dej-txias, thiab lub workpiece yog rhuab sib npaug.

7. Energy conversion of round steel intermediate frequency heating furnace: heating each ton of steel to 1050°C, power consumption 310-330°C.