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Kev tiv thaiv huab cua-tswj lub thawv-hom hluav taws xob rauv SDXL-1616 cov lus qhia ntxaws

Kev tiv thaiv huab cua-tswj lub thawv-hom hluav taws xob rauv SDXL-1616 cov lus qhia ntxaws

SDXL-1616 huab cua tiv thaiv kev pab cuam tswj lub thawv-hom hluav taws xob rauv cov yam ntxwv::

■ Nws tuaj yeem dhau mus rau hauv cov pa roj degrading kom lub siab kub cua sov ua haujlwm yuav tsis tsim oxidative decarburization

■High-aluminum inner tank, silicon-molybdenum rod heats up, the outer shell is made of high-quality thin steel plate, and the surface is sprayed with plastic

■ Cov cuab yeej muaj qhov raug siab, pom qhov tseeb yog 1 degree, thiab qhov raug yog nce ntxiv lossis rho tawm 2 degrees nyob rau lub xeev qhov ntsuas kub tas li.

■ Cov kev tswj hwm tau txais LTDE thev naus laus zis, nrog 30-qhab programmable muaj nuj nqi, ob-qib tiv thaiv kub dhau

The SDXL-1616 atmosphere protection program-controlled box electric furnace model is in accordance with the national machinery industry JB4311.7-91 standard. The electric furnace has a LTDE programmable control system. The electric furnace shell is made of high-quality cold plate and steel. The production process has air inlet and outlet devices, which can pass in the degrading gas so that the high-temperature heating workpiece will not produce oxidative decarburization. This electric furnace is suitable for other high-temperature annealing, tempering and other heat treatment processes that require various gas protection. Forty-segment microcomputer control with program, with powerful programming function, can control heating rate, heating, constant temperature, multi-band curve arbitrarily set, optional software can be connected to a computer, monitor, and record temperature data, making the reproducibility of the test possible. The instrument is equipped with electric shock, leakage protection system and secondary over-temperature automatic protection function to ensure the safety of the user and the instrument. This furnace is suitable for low-purity atmosphere protection experiments. If high-purity atmosphere protection is required, please choose our company’s vacuum atmosphere according to your needs. Chamber furnace and vacuum chamber furnace

SDXL-1616 huab cua tiv thaiv kev pab cuam tswj lub thawv-hom hluav taws xob rauv cov ntsiab lus:

Rauv cov qauv thiab cov khoom siv

Cov khoom siv hluav taws xob rauv: Lub thawv sab nrauv yog ua los ntawm cov phaj txias txias, kho nrog phosphoric acid zaj duab xis ntsev, thiab txau ntawm qhov kub thiab txias, thiab xim yog xiav-grey;

Cov khoom siv rauv taws: Nws yog ua los ntawm rau-sided high-hluav taws xob, tso cua sov tsawg thiab ultra-lub teeb fiber ntau lub qhov rooj, uas tiv taus kom txias sai thiab cua sov, thiab txuag lub zog thiab muaj txiaj ntsig;

Cov txheej txheem rwb thaiv tsev: txheej sab hauv ntawm cov paj rwb paj rwb ua kom sov sov, txheej txheej sab nraud ntawm huab cua ua kom sov sov;

Qhov chaw ntsuas kub: lub thermocouple nkag los ntawm sab nraub qaum ntawm lub cev rauv;

Kev xa xov xov: Cov cua sov txuas xov txuas nyob ntawm sab nraub qaum ntawm lub cev rauv;

Tus tswj hwm: nyob hauv qab lub cev rauv, ua kom muaj kev tswj hwm, them nyiaj xaim txuas nrog lub cev rauv

Cov cua sov caij: silicon molybdenum pas nrig;

Tag nrho lub tshuab hnyav: li 180KG

Txheem ntim: thawv ntoo

Khoom Specifications

Kub ntau: 500 ~ 1600 ℃;

Qib kev hloov pauv: ± 3 ℃;

Zaub raug: 1 ℃;

Qhov cub loj: 200 × 150 × 150 MM

Approximate size: 570*480*960 MM (packing size is about 650*530*1150MM)

Cua sov tus nqi: ≤15 ° C/min; (tuaj yeem hloov kho raws li qhov xav tau qis dua 15 degrees ib feeb)

Lub zog ntawm tag nrho lub tshuab: 5KW;

Lub hwj chim: 220V, 50Hz

Kev tswj qhov kub thiab txias

Kev ntsuas kub: S Performance index platinum rhodium-platinum thermocouple;

Kev tswj hwm qhov system: ntsuas qhov ntsuas tsis siv neeg, ntsuas PID, ntsuas qhov tseeb 1 ℃

Ua kom tiav cov khoom siv hluav taws xob: siv cov khoom tiv tauj hom, kiv cua txias, thyristors;

Lub sijhawm ua haujlwm: lub sijhawm cua sov tuaj yeem teeb tsa, tswj lub sijhawm kub tas li, kaw tsis siv neeg thaum lub sijhawm ntsuas kub tas mus li;

Qhov program band: programmable 40 ntu;

Hom haujlwm: kho qhov kub tsis tu ncua rau ntau yam, ua haujlwm tas li; kev ua haujlwm.

Nruab nrog cov ntaub ntawv xov xwm thiab khoom siv ntxiv

Cov Lus Qhia Kev Siv Kev Ua Haujlwm

daim npav tiv thaiv

Ob-lub taub hau cua nkag qhov rooj, ib lub taub hau cua qhov hluav taws xob

Lub Nroog Cheeb Tsam

LTDE programmable tswj qhov ntsuas

khoom hauv lub xeev

Intermediate relay


Cua txias

Silicon molybdenum pas nrig