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Program panyalindungan atmosfir-dikawasa kotak-tipe tungku listrik SDXL-1616 bubuka lengkep

Program panyalindungan atmosfir-dikawasa kotak-tipe tungku listrik SDXL-1616 bubuka lengkep

SDXL-1616 atmosfir panyalindungan program-dikawasa kotak-tipe tungku listrik ciri kinerja::

■ Éta tiasa diliwatan kana gas anu ngahinakeun supados bahan pemanasan suhu luhur moal ngahasilkeun dekarburisasi oksidatif

■High-aluminum inner tank, silicon-molybdenum rod heats up, the outer shell is made of high-quality thin steel plate, and the surface is sprayed with plastic

■Instrumén ngabogaan akurasi tinggi, akurasi tampilan nyaéta 1 gelar, sarta akurasi nepi ka tambah atawa dikurangan 2 derajat dina kaayaan suhu konstan.

■ Sistem kontrol ngadopsi téknologi LTDE, kalayan fungsi 30-band anu tiasa diprogram, perlindungan tingkat-dua tingkat

The SDXL-1616 atmosphere protection program-controlled box electric furnace model is in accordance with the national machinery industry JB4311.7-91 standard. The electric furnace has a LTDE programmable control system. The electric furnace shell is made of high-quality cold plate and steel. The production process has air inlet and outlet devices, which can pass in the degrading gas so that the high-temperature heating workpiece will not produce oxidative decarburization. This electric furnace is suitable for other high-temperature annealing, tempering and other heat treatment processes that require various gas protection. Forty-segment microcomputer control with program, with powerful programming function, can control heating rate, heating, constant temperature, multi-band curve arbitrarily set, optional software can be connected to a computer, monitor, and record temperature data, making the reproducibility of the test possible. The instrument is equipped with electric shock, leakage protection system and secondary over-temperature automatic protection function to ensure the safety of the user and the instrument. This furnace is suitable for low-purity atmosphere protection experiments. If high-purity atmosphere protection is required, please choose our company’s vacuum atmosphere according to your needs. Chamber furnace and vacuum chamber furnace

SDXL-1616 atmosfir panyalindungan program-dikawasa kotak-tipe rinci tungku listrik:

Struktur tungku sareng bahan

Bahan cangkang tungku: Cangkang kotak luar didamel tina piring tiis kualitas luhur, diubaran ku uyah pilem asam fosforat, sareng disemprot dina suhu luhur, sareng warnana biru-kulawu;

Bahan tungku: Éta tina radiasi tinggi genep sisi, neundeun panas-rendah sareng papan kompor serat ultra-lampu, anu tahan ka gancang sareng panas, sareng hemat énergi sareng éfisién;

Metoda insulasi: lapisan jero simbut katun serat tetep haneut, lapisan luar hawa ngaleyurkeun panas;

Palabuhan pangukuran suhu: thermocouple lebet tina beulah luhur awak tungku;

Pos kabel: pos pamasangan elemen pemanasan ayana di bagian handap awak tungku;

Controller: perenahna handapeun awak tungku, sistem kontrol bawaan, kawat kompénsasi dihubungkeun sareng awak tungku

Unsur pemanasan: rod silikon molibdenum;

Beurat mesin sakabeh: ngeunaan 180KG

Bungkusan baku: kotak kai

Spesifikasi produk

Kisaran suhu: 500 ~ 1600 ℃;

Gelar turun naek: ± 3 ℃;

Akurasi tampilan: 1 ℃;

Ukuran tungku: 200 × 150 × 150 MM

Approximate size: 570*480*960 MM (packing size is about 650*530*1150MM)

Laju pemanasan: ≤15 ° C / mnt; (tiasa diluyukeun sawenang-wenang kana kecepatan naon anu langkung handap tina 15 derajat per menit)

Kakuatan sakabeh mesin: 5KW;

Sumber kakuatan: 220V, 50Hz

Sistem kontrol suhu

Pangukuran suhu: S indéks platinum rhodium-platinum thermocouple;

Sistem kontrol: instrumen anu tiasa diprogram sacara otomatis, pangaturan PID, akurasi tampilan 1 ℃

Sét lengkep panerapan listrik: gunakeun kontaktor mérek, kipas pendingin, thyristor;

Sistem waktos: waktos pemanasan tiasa disetél, kontrol waktos suhu konstan, pareuman otomatis nalika waktos suhu konstan kahontal;

Program band: diprogram 40 bagéan;

Modeu operasi: hawa konstan adjustable pikeun rentang lengkep, operasi konstan; operasi program.

Dilengkepan inpormasi téknis sareng asesoris

Parentah Operasi

kartu jaminan

Klep inlet hawa anu dipingpin dua kali, klep outlet hawa hiji-sirah

komponén utama

Instrumen kontrol diprogram LTDE

relay kaayaan padet

relay panengah


Motor tiis

Rod molibdenum silikon