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250KG buffer wave copper melting furnace

Peć za topljenje bakra s valovitim valovima od 250 kg

The buffer wave copper melting furnace is a kind of metal melting equipment developed by our company that is suitable for below 1000 ℃. Its functions have the following characteristics:

1. Ušteda energije i novac: prosječna potrošnja bakra iznosi 0.4-0.5 kWh/kg bakra, što štedi više od 30% u usporedbi s tradicionalnim štednjacima;

2. Učinkovito korištenje: temperatura raste za 600 ° za 1 sat, super velika brzina zagrijavanja, dugotrajna konstantna temperatura;

3. Zaštita okoliša i niske emisije ugljika: u skladu s nacionalnom politikom uštede energije i smanjenja emisija, bez prašine, bez naftnih isparenja i bez emisije štetnih plinova;

4. Sigurnost i stabilnost: Nezavisno istraživanje i razvoj 32-bitne CPU tehnologije, s inteligentnom zaštitom, poput curenja, curenja bakra, preljeva i nestanka struje;

5. Manje bakrene troske: visokofrekventno indukcijsko zagrijavanje vrtložnom strujom, bez mrtvog kuta zagrijavanja, visoka iskorištenost sirovina;

6. Produženje vijeka trajanja: lončić se zagrijava ravnomjerno, temperaturna razlika je mala, a životni vijek je u prosjeku produžen za 50%;

7. Precizna kontrola temperature: vrtložna struja reagira trenutačno, lončić se zagrijava, bez histereze tradicionalnog zagrijavanja;

1. Primjenjive industrije:

Postrojenje za lijevanje bakra, tvornica za proizvodnju bakrenih ingota, industrija topljenja otpadnog bakra, livnica, proizvodnja dijelova za automobile i motocikle, školjka za mobitele, lampa, proizvođač grijaćih ploča za kuhanje riže

2. Uvod u proizvod:

buffer wave copper melting furnace is the best energy-saving buffer wave copper melting equipment to replace traditional resistance, coal-fired, oil-fired, and intermediate-frequency furnaces. With the increase in cost of materials, various industries are facing fierce market competition, and the rise in electricity costs is even more costly. The metallurgical industry has worsened the situation. The emergence of high-frequency copper melting furnaces has solved various problems in the metallurgical industry. It has the advantages of intelligence, safety, money saving, environmental protection and other national support, and is sought after by the metallurgical industry.

3. Klasifikacija proizvoda: Peć za taljenje bakra s tamponom od 250 kg

Model: SD-AI-250KG

Obloga peći za taljenje: grafitni lončić od silicijevog karbida

Materijal lončića: legura bakra

Kapacitet lonca: 250 kg

Nazivna snaga: 60KW

Električna snaga taljenja/tona: 380 kWh/tona

Stupanj potrošnje energije za očuvanje topline: 4 kWh/sat

Brzina taljenja kg/sat: 120KG/sat

4. Princip grijanja:

The buffer wave copper melting furnace uses the high-frequency induction heating controller to convert electrical energy into heat. First, the internal rectifier filter circuit converts the alternating current into direct current, and then the control circuit converts the direct current into high-frequency magnetic energy. The high-speed changing current passing through the coil will produce a high-speed changing magnetic field. When the magnetic field lines in the magnetic field pass through the crucible, numerous small eddy currents will be generated inside the crucible, so that the crucible itself will generate heat at high speed, transfer the heat to the copper alloy, and melt into a liquid state.