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250KG buffer wave copper melting furnace

I-250KG ye-wave buffer yokunyibilikisa iziko

The buffer wave copper melting furnace is a kind of metal melting equipment developed by our company that is suitable for below 1000 ℃. Its functions have the following characteristics:

1. Ukonga umbane kunye nokonga imali: umndilili wokusetyenziswa kwamandla obhedu yi-0.4-0.5 kWh / KG yethusi, egcina ngaphezulu kwe-30% xa kuthelekiswa nezitovu zemveli;

Ukusetyenziswa ngokufanelekileyo: 2 ° ukunyuka kweqondo lokushisa kwiyure eli-600, isantya sokufudumeza ngokukhawuleza, ubushushu obuhlala buhleli;

3. Ukukhuselwa kwendalo kunye nekhabhoni ephantsi: ngokuhambelana nemigaqo yesizwe yokonga umbane kunye nemigaqo-nkqubo yokunciphisa ukukhutshwa, akukho uthuli, akukho fume yeoyile, kwaye akukho gesi ziyingozi;

4. Ukhuseleko nozinzo: Uphando oluzimeleyo kunye nophuhliso lwetekhnoloji ye-CPU engama-32-bit, ngokhuseleko olukrelekrele njengokuvuza, ukuvuza kobhedu, ukuphuphuma, kunye nokusilela kwamandla;

5. Ngaphantsi kwe-slag yobhedu: i-eddy ephezulu yokufudumeza ubushushu ngoku, akukho bushushu i-engile efileyo, inqanaba lokusetyenziswa kwezinto eziluhlaza;

6.Ukongezwa kobomi: i-crucible ishushu ngokulinganayo, umahluko wobushushu mncinci, kwaye ixesha lokuphila liyandiswa ngama-50% ngokomndilili;

7.Ukulawula ubushushu ngokuchanekileyo: i-eddy yangoku iphendula kwangoko, i-crucible iyazitshisa, ngaphandle kwe-hysteresis yokufudumeza ngokwesiko;

1.imizi-mveliso esebenzayo:

Isityalo esilahla ubhedu, isityalo semveliso yobhedu, izinto ezilahliweyo zobhedu, umatshini wokuphosa, imveliso yemoto kunye nezithuthuthu, iqokobhe lefowuni, isibane, irayisi yombane

2. Intshayelelo Product:

buffer wave copper melting furnace is the best energy-saving buffer wave copper melting equipment to replace traditional resistance, coal-fired, oil-fired, and intermediate-frequency furnaces. With the increase in cost of materials, various industries are facing fierce market competition, and the rise in electricity costs is even more costly. The metallurgical industry has worsened the situation. The emergence of high-frequency copper melting furnaces has solved various problems in the metallurgical industry. It has the advantages of intelligence, safety, money saving, environmental protection and other national support, and is sought after by the metallurgical industry.

Ukwahlulahlula imveliso: i-3KG ye-buffer wave wave melting furnace

Umzekelo: SD-AI-250KG

Ukunyibilika kwiziko lesithando somlilo: i-silicon carbide graphite crucible

Izinto Crucible: ingxubevange yobhedu

Umthamo wentambo: 250KG

Amandla alinganisiweyo: 60KW

Ukunyibilika kombane / itoni: 380 kWh / itoni

Isidanga / iyure yokusetyenziswa kwamandla okulondolozwa kobushushu: 4 kWh / iyure

Ukunyibilika kwesantya kg / ngeyure: 120KG / ngeyure

Umgaqo wokufudumeza:

The buffer wave copper melting furnace uses the high-frequency induction heating controller to convert electrical energy into heat. First, the internal rectifier filter circuit converts the alternating current into direct current, and then the control circuit converts the direct current into high-frequency magnetic energy. The high-speed changing current passing through the coil will produce a high-speed changing magnetic field. When the magnetic field lines in the magnetic field pass through the crucible, numerous small eddy currents will be generated inside the crucible, so that the crucible itself will generate heat at high speed, transfer the heat to the copper alloy, and melt into a liquid state.