- 26
- Dec
Razlozi kvara rashladnog uređaja pod visokim tlakom su sljedeći
Razlozi kvara rashladnog uređaja pod visokim tlakom su sljedeći:
(1) The cooling water temperature is too high and the condensation effect is poor. The rated working condition of the cooling water required by the chiller is 30~35℃. High water temperature and poor heat dissipation will inevitably lead to high condensing pressure. This phenomenon often occurs in high temperature seasons. The reason for the high water temperature of the chiller may be: cooling tower failure, such as the fan is not turned on or even reversed, the water distributor does not turn, it is manifested as the cooling water temperature is very high, and the chiller rises rapidly; the outside air temperature is high, the water path is short, The amount of water that can be circulated by the chiller is small. In this case, the temperature of the cooling water is generally maintained at a relatively high level. The chiller can be solved by increasing the storage tank.
(2) Protok rashladne vode je nedovoljan i ne može dosegnuti nazivni protok vode. Glavna izvedba rashladnog uređaja je da razlika tlaka između ulazne i izlazne vode jedinice postaje manja (u usporedbi s razlikom tlaka na početku rada sustava), a temperaturna razlika postaje veća. Razlog nedovoljnog protoka vode je nedostatak vode u sustavu ili prisutnost zraka. Rješenje je ugraditi ispušni ventil na visini cjevovoda za ispuh; filtar cjevovoda je blokiran ili je odabir prefin, a propusnost vode je ograničena. Rashladni uređaj za vodu treba odabrati odgovarajući filtar i redovito čistiti filter; pumpa za vodu je mala i ne odgovara sustavu