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How to add cooling water to the chiller?

How to add cooling water to the chiller?

1. Find out and deal with it in time. The company’s personnel responsible for the operation and management of the ice water machine must be able to detect and deal with the lack of cooling water in the ice water machine in time.

2. Treba također kontrolirati količinu nadopune vode, a ne onoliko koliko je to moguće! Gubici kao što su isparavanje, kapanje i plutajuća voda. Količina nadopune treba se temeljiti na ukupnoj količini isparavanja, kapanja i plutajuće vode. Ako se ne može nadoknaditi Voda za hlađenje može uzrokovati da rashladni uređaj ne može normalno odvoditi toplinu, a ako se doda previše, to će također uzrokovati probleme.

3. Količina dodatka vode ne može se u potpunosti odrediti, treba je odlučiti prema učinku hlađenja stroja.

Some people think that there is a calculation formula for the amount of supplemental water, which is incorrect. The amount of supplemental water can be calculated, but it is not absolute. Take the evaporation loss as an example. Water distribution range, water flow speed, circulation speed, water pump, environmental air volume, etc. are related, but it is really difficult to calculate in practice.

It is not recommended to fix the amount of water supplemented by a formula. It is recommended to determine it according to the cooling effect of the ice water machine. The cooling effect is normal if it will not be overfilled and will not be too short of water.