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What are the specifications of high temperature resistant mica paper?

What are the specifications of high temperature resistant mica paper?

1. Pengenalan produk

High temperature resistant mica paper is made of double-layer alkali-free glass fiber cloth on both sides as reinforcement material, bonded with high temperature resistant organic silica gel. It has good fire resistance and is widely used in power supply and control of emergency facilities such as fire fighting equipment and emergency guide lights. Cable; also has good flexibility and stretchability, and can be wrapped by high-speed wrapping equipment.

2. Performa produk yang sangat baik

1, ketahanan tekanan yang baik

2, kekuatan lentur tinggi

3, tahan asam dan alkali, tahan radiasi

4, tidak beracun

5. Fleksibilitas yang baik

6. Kertas muskovit sintetis dapat menahan suhu hingga 1000 derajat

7. Kertas mika tahan suhu tinggi telah lama digunakan dalam tungku suhu tinggi dan tungku frekuensi menengah. Industri metalurgi dan kimia seperti tungku pembuatan besi dan tungku busur listrik.

Three, product specifications

1. Ketebalan produk ini: 0.32mm-0.5mm

2, lebar produk ini: 1000mm

3. Panjang produk ini: 50m atau 100m per roll (dapat dipotong sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan)

4, ukuran dapat disesuaikan sesuai dengan pelanggan