- 06
- Nov
What are the specifications of high temperature resistant mica paper?
What are the specifications of high temperature resistant mica paper?
1. Mahsulotni joriy etish
High temperature resistant mica paper is made of double-layer alkali-free glass fiber cloth on both sides as reinforcement material, bonded with high temperature resistant organic silica gel. It has good fire resistance and is widely used in power supply and control of emergency facilities such as fire fighting equipment and emergency guide lights. Cable; also has good flexibility and stretchability, and can be wrapped by high-speed wrapping equipment.
2. Excellent product performance
1, yaxshi bosim qarshiligi
2, yuqori egilish kuchi
3, kislota va gidroksidi qarshilik, nurlanish qarshiligi
4, toksik emas
5. Yaxshi egiluvchanlik
6. Sintetik muskovit qog’ozi 1000 gradusgacha bo’lgan haroratga chiday oladi
7. Yuqori haroratga chidamli slyuda qog’ozi uzoq vaqtdan beri yuqori haroratli pechlarda va oraliq chastotali pechlarda ishlatilgan. Metallurgiya va kimyo sanoati, masalan, temir ishlab chiqaruvchi pechlar va elektr yoyli pechlar.
Three, product specifications
1. Ushbu mahsulotning qalinligi: 0.32 mm-0.5 mm
2, ushbu mahsulotning kengligi: 1000 mm
3. Ushbu mahsulotning uzunligi: rulon uchun 50m yoki 100m (mijozlar talablariga muvofiq uzunlikka kesilishi mumkin)
4, o’lcham mijozlarga ko’ra moslashtirilishi mumkin