- 31
- Dec
Method for collecting temperature of high frequency quenching equipment
Method for collecting temperature of peralatan pendinginan frekuensi tinggi
High-frequency quenching equipment heats small workpieces, from room temperature to 900° high-frequency heating, generally less than 10 s, and the time is very short. Therefore, the response speed of the sensor is particularly high, and the response time must be controlled within 200 ms, otherwise the error will be relatively large. Since the thermal conductivity of the contact sensor is relatively slow and has obvious hysteresis, it is not suitable to be used. Considering the cost performance of infrared and optical fiber non-contact temperature thermometers, the German Optris infrared thermometer CTLT20 was finally selected, its range: -40 ℃ ~900 ℃, response time: 150 ms, error 1% Within this, the thermometer has been linearly compensated, and the linearity is good, which can better realize the temperature collection.
Output dari termometer inframerah adalah kuantitas analog 0~10 V atau 4~20 mA. Pertama, atur hubungan yang sesuai antara besaran analog dan besaran digital, yaitu nilai minimum besaran analog sesuai dengan nilai minimum rentang pengukuran suhu termometer. Nilai maksimum sesuai dengan nilai maksimum rentang pengukuran suhu termometer; kemudian modul A/D PLC digunakan untuk mengumpulkan suhu untuk mendapatkan nilai suhu besaran digital; akhirnya, menilai apakah nilai suhu yang disetel tercapai dalam program PLC, dan menjalankan tindakan yang sesuai Pada saat yang sama, nilai suhu dan informasi tindakan yang sesuai ditampilkan pada layar tampilan secara real time.