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Reasons for common faults of medium frequency induction heating power supply

Reasons for common faults of Ogologo oge ikuku ọkụ ịnye ọkụ

1. The equipment is running normally, but near a certain point in the high-voltage area, the equipment is unstable, the DC voltmeter is shaking, and the equipment is accompanied by a creaking sound.

Cause: Parts ignited under high pressure.

2. The equipment is running normally, but a sharp beep-beep can be heard from time to time, and the DC voltmeter oscillates slightly.

Reason: poor insulation between turns of the transformer.

3. The equipment works normally, but the power does not go up.

Reason: If the power does not go up, it means that the adjustment of various parameters of the equipment is not appropriate.

4. The equipment is running normally, but when the power is raised or lowered in a certain power section, the equipment has abnormal sound, jitters, and the electrical instrument indication swings.

Reason: This kind of fault generally occurs on the power given potentiometer. A certain section of the power given potentiometer is not smooth and jumps, causing the equipment to work unstable. In severe cases, the inverter will be overturned and the thyristor will be burned.

5. The equipment is running normally, but the bypass reactor is hot and burnt.

Reason: There is asymmetric operation of the inverter circuit, the main reason for the asymmetric operation of the inverter circuit is from the signal loop; the quality of the bypass reactor itself is not good.

6. The equipment is running normally, and the compensation capacitor is often broken down.

Reasons: poor cooling, breakdown capacitors; insufficient capacitor configuration; intermediate frequency voltage and operating frequency are too high; in the capacitor boost circuit, the capacity difference between series capacitors and parallel capacitors is too large, resulting in uneven voltage and breakdown capacitors.