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Proses produksi pangolahan papan serat kaca epoksi

Proses produksi pangolahan papan serat kaca epoksi

Epoxy glass fiber board, epoxy phenolic laminated glass cloth board, epoxy resin generally refers to organic polymer compounds containing two or more epoxy groups in the molecule, except for some, their relative molecular masses are not high.

Karakteristik utama pangolahan papan serat kaca epoksi: amarga bobote molekul 7 yuta sing dhuwur banget, duweni pengaruh pengaruh sing gedhe banget, tingkat penyerapan energi kinetik sing berdampak tinggi, modulus sing kuat, lan resistensi luar biasa kanggo abrasi lan geser ing stres dhuwur. Karakteristik, stabilitas dimensi isih dijaga nalika anget. Suhu anti-ultra-endhek -265 ℃. Sanajan suhu sithik lan suhune sithik, tetep njaga kekuatan tarik sing kuwat banget lan kekuatan pengaruh kedudukan, resistensi asam lan pigmen.


Miturut produksi papan serat kaca epoksi, bisa nambah papan timah poliethelin kerapatan tinggi, lan nalika proses kerapatan kurang, bisa nambah suhu leleh stabil lan suhu relatif saka titik leleh.

According to the epoxy glass fiber board processing procedure, it can increase the processing smoothness in a wide range of applications, promote the main characteristics, and stabilize the shrinkage in the process of melting with the chemical and substance, which can improve the The process at room temperature and the connection of the solution will not cause melting.