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Prosés produksi pengolahan serat serat kaca epoxy

Prosés produksi pengolahan serat serat kaca epoxy

Epoxy glass fiber board, epoxy phenolic laminated glass cloth board, epoxy resin generally refers to organic polymer compounds containing two or more epoxy groups in the molecule, except for some, their relative molecular masses are not high.

Karakteristik utama pamrosésan serat kaca kaca epoxy: kusabab 7 juta beurat molekulna luhur pisan, éta ngagaduhan kakuatan pangaruh anu sangat tinggi, tingkat nyerep énergi kinétik pangaruh tinggi, modulus anu kuat, sareng résistansi luar biasa pikeun abrasi sareng ngageser dina setrés tinggi. Karakteristik, stabilitas dimensi tetep dijaga nalika haneut. Suhu anti-ultra-handap -265 ℃. Malah dina suhu anu handap sareng dina suhu anu handap, éta tetep ngajaga kakuatan tarik anu hadé pisan sareng kakuatan pangaruh kiyeu, résistansi asam sareng pigménan.


Numutkeun kana produksi dewan serat kaca epoxy, dimungkinkeun pikeun ningkatkeun papan tin poliétilén kapadetan tinggi, sareng dina prosés kapadetan rendah, éta tiasa ningkatkeun suhu lebur anu stabil sareng suhu relatif titik lebur.

According to the epoxy glass fiber board processing procedure, it can increase the processing smoothness in a wide range of applications, promote the main characteristics, and stabilize the shrinkage in the process of melting with the chemical and substance, which can improve the The process at room temperature and the connection of the solution will not cause melting.