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Axle quenching lan tempering line produksi
Axle quenching lan tempering line produksi
Find a professional manufacturer for the axle quenching and tempering production line. China Luoyang Songdao Technology has established a factory for more than 20 years, focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of induction heating equipment and induction heat treatment equipment. It has rich experience and strong strength. It is the common choice of 200,000+ customers. In addition, direct sales are also Songdao Technology. The extra points of the product, the delivery time, now coincides with the double festival, the promotion of equipment purchase activities, specific axle quenching and tempering production line prices, please click on the online consultation to understand, the sales manager will contact you at any time, and provide tailor-made services.
Features of axle quenching lan tempering lini produksi:
1. Adopt energy-saving IGBT induction heating power control, low power consumption, high production efficiency and high cost performance.
2. Efisiensi produksi dhuwur: nggunakake sistem kontrol cerdas otomatis PLC antarmuka manungsa-mesin, kanthi fungsi wiwitan siji-tombol, siji wong bisa ngoperasikake kabeh proses produksi saka axle quenching lan tempering line produksi.
3. Meja roller conveying: Sumbu meja roller lan sumbu workpiece mbentuk sudut 18-21 °. Bahan kerja muter nalika maju kanthi kecepatan konstan kanggo nggawe pemanasan luwih seragam. Tabel roller ing antarane awak pawon digawe saka stainless steel non-magnetik 304 lan digawe adhem banyu.
4. Panglompokan meja Roller: grup dipakani, grup sensor lan grup discharging sing independen kontrol, kang kondusif kanggo dadi panas tanpa nyebabake longkangan antarane workpieces.
5. Ditutup-loop kontrol suhu saka axle quenching lan tempering line produksi: loro quenching lan tempering nganggo Amérika Raytai infrared thermometer sistem kontrol tutup-loop kanggo kanthi ngontrol suhu.
6. Sistem komputer industri: tampilan nyata-wektu saka negara saiki paramèter apa, workpiece memori parameter, panyimpenan, printing, tampilan fault, weker lan fungsi liyane.
Produsen peralatan perawatan panas lan tempering poros profesional China Songdao Technology, perusahaan merek lawas, lan insinyur profesional bisa ngatur peralatan pemanasan induksi sing cocog, peralatan perawatan panas induksi, lan peralatan tempa diathermic kanggo sampeyan miturut kabutuhan sampeyan kanggo nyukupi syarat proses sing beda. Iku nggawe bathi ekonomi owahan. Konsultasi telpon, insinyur profesional bakal menehi sampeyan kutipan baris produksi lan pilihan rencana axle quenching lan tempering gratis.