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Mohala oa tlhahiso ea li-axle le oa ho futhumatsa

Mohala oa tlhahiso ea li-axle le oa ho futhumatsa

Find a professional manufacturer for the axle quenching and tempering production line. China Luoyang Songdao Technology has established a factory for more than 20 years, focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of induction heating equipment and induction heat treatment equipment. It has rich experience and strong strength. It is the common choice of 200,000+ customers. In addition, direct sales are also Songdao Technology. The extra points of the product, the delivery time, now coincides with the double festival, the promotion of equipment purchase activities, specific axle quenching and tempering production line prices, please click on the online consultation to understand, the sales manager will contact you at any time, and provide tailor-made services.


Features of axle ho tima le ho kokobetsa mohala oa tlhahiso:

1. Adopt energy-saving IGBT induction heating power control, low power consumption, high production efficiency and high cost performance.

2. Ts’ebetso e phahameng ea tlhahiso: ho sebelisa mochine oa motho oa mochine oa PLC oa tsamaiso ea bohlale ea ho laola ka mokhoa o itekanetseng, o nang le ts’ebetso e le ‘ngoe ea ho qala, motho a le mong a ka sebelisa mokhoa oohle oa tlhahiso ea mohala oa ho tima le ho futhumatsa li-axle.

3. Tafole e tsamaisang rolara: Mohala oa tafole ea rolara le axis ea workpiece e etsa angle ea 18-21 °. Sebaka sa mosebetsi se potoloha ha se ntse se tsoela pele ka lebelo le tsitsitseng ho etsa hore mocheso o be le seaparo se lekaneng. Tafole ea rolara pakeng tsa ‘mele oa sebōpi e entsoe ka tšepe e sa hloekang ea 304 e se nang makenete le e pholileng ka metsi.

4. Sehlopha sa li-roller table: sehlopha sa ho fepa, sehlopha sa sensor le sehlopha sa ho ntša li laoloa ka mokhoa o ikemetseng, e leng se loketseng ho futhumatsa ho tsoelang pele ntle le ho baka lekhalo pakeng tsa li-workpieces.

5. Taolo e koetsoeng ea mocheso oa li-axle quenching le mocheso oa tlhahiso ea mocheso: ka bobeli ho tima le ho futhumatsa ho amohela American Raytai infrared thermometer e koaletsoeng mokhoa oa ho laola mocheso ho laola mocheso ka nepo.

6. Tsamaiso ea k’homphieutha ea indasteri: pontšo ea nako ea sebele ea boemo ba hona joale ba maemo a ho sebetsa, mohopolo oa parameter ea workpiece, polokelo, khatiso, pontšo ea phoso, alamo le mesebetsi e meng.

China Songdao Technology’s professional axle quenching and tempering heat treatment device moetsi, k’hamphani ea khale ea mofuta, le lienjineri tse hloahloa li ka khona ho etsa lisebelisoa tse loketseng tsa ho futhumatsa, lisebelisoa tsa kalafo ea mocheso oa induction, le lisebelisoa tsa ho o theola ho latela litlhoko tsa hau ho fihlela litlhoko tsa hau tse fapaneng. E hlahisa phaello e ngata ea moruo. Therisano ea mohala, baenjiniere ba litsebi ba tla u fa mokhoa oa ho tima li-axle tsa mahala le khotheishene ea tlhahiso ea mohala le khetho ea moralo.