- 31
- Mar
Apa sebabe kipas mandheg muter ing chiller?
Apa sebabe kipas mandheg muter ing chiller?
The chiller market is becoming more and more mature. In order to meet the use of chillers in different regions, chillers with different functions are produced according to the temperature, environment and conditions of different regions. For example, there are air-cooled chillers in areas where water sources are lacking, and vice versa. Type water chiller, there are screw type water chiller at present, the products can be described as everything.
Sanajan ana akeh produk, sawetara alasan kanggo gagal yaiku standar kasebut ora diganti. Contone, pabrik chiller sabanjure-Shenchuangyi Refrigeration bakal nuduhake masalah iki karo sampeyan, penggemar chiller
Apa sebabe mandheg? Ayo padha ndeleng bebarengan.
1. Alesan: Sabuk kipas chiller rusak. Mung kudu ngganti sabuk ing wektu;
2. Alesan: Kabel relay saka penggemar chiller short-circuited, burned metu, etc. Mung kudu ngganti relay ing wektu;
3. Alesan: bantalan motor kipas chiller macet utawa macet. Mung kudu ngganti bantalan ing wektu;
4. Alasan: Kabel sing nyambungake chiller menyang kipas listrik kenthel. Cukup nguatake kabel ing wektu.
Ayo kula bareng karo sampeyan alesan kenapa kipas chiller mandheg muter. Sajrone proses cooling, penggemar chiller utamané penting. Nduweni efek boros panas. Yen chiller gagal kanggo dissipate panas ing wektu, iku bakal mengaruhi banyu kadhemen. Efek kulkas saka mesin.