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Nchifukwa chiyani fan imasiya kuzungulira mu chiller?

Nchifukwa chiyani fan imasiya kuzungulira mu chiller?

The chiller market is becoming more and more mature. In order to meet the use of chillers in different regions, chillers with different functions are produced according to the temperature, environment and conditions of different regions. For example, there are air-cooled chillers in areas where water sources are lacking, and vice versa. Type water chiller, there are screw type water chiller at present, the products can be described as everything.

Ngakhale pali zinthu zambiri, zina mwazifukwa zolephereka ndikuti mulingo sunasinthidwe. Mwachitsanzo, wopanga chiller wotsatira-Shenchuangyi Firiji adzagawana nanu nkhaniyi, wokonda kuzizira.

Chifukwa chiyani kuyimitsidwa? Tiyeni tione limodzi.

1. Chifukwa: Lamba wa fan fan wawonongeka. Kungofunika kusintha lamba mu nthawi;

2. Chifukwa: Waya wopatsirana wa chowotchera zimakupiza ndi lalifupi-circuited, kuwotchedwa, ndi zina zotero. Kungofunika m’malo relay mu nthawi;

3. Chifukwa: Chiwombankhanga chamoto cha fan fan chimakhala chokhazikika kapena chokanidwa. Kungofunika kusintha kubereka mu nthawi;

4. Chifukwa: Waya wolumikiza chowotchera ku chotengera chamagetsi ndi womasuka. Ingolimbitsani mawaya munthawi yake.

Ndiroleni ndikugawireni chifukwa chomwe fan yakuzizira imasiya kuzungulira. Panthawi yozizira, fan fan ndiyofunika kwambiri. Zili ndi mphamvu yowononga kutentha. Ngati choziziracho chikulephera kutulutsa kutentha mu nthawi, zimakhudza madzi ozizira. Firiji zotsatira za makina.