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How to solve the problem of vacuum atmosphere furnace failure?

ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಯನ್ನು ಹೇಗೆ ಪರಿಹರಿಸುವುದು ನಿರ್ವಾತ ವಾತಾವರಣದ ಕುಲುಮೆ ವೈಫಲ್ಯ?

  1. In the high temperature test, if the temperature change does not reach the test temperature value, you can check the electrical system and eliminate the faults one by one. If the temperature rises very slowly, check the air circulation system to see if the adjustment baffle of the air circulation is open normally, otherwise, check if the motor of the air circulation is operating normally. If the temperature overshoot is severe, then you need to tune the PID setting parameters. If the temperature rises directly and the over-temperature protection is applied, then the controller fails and the control instrument must be replaced.

2. When the vacuum atmosphere furnace suddenly fails during the test operation, the corresponding failure display prompt and audible alarm prompt will appear on the control instrument. The operator can quickly check which type of fault belongs to in the troubleshooting during the operation and use of the equipment, and then ask the professional of the vacuum atmosphere furnace to quickly eliminate the fault to ensure the normal progress of the test. Other environmental test equipment will still be in use. If there are other phenomena, specific phenomena must be analyzed and eliminated.

3. If the low temperature fails to reach the test index, then you have to observe the temperature change, whether the temperature drops slowly, or the temperature has a tendency to rise after the temperature reaches a certain value, the former should be checked, and the vacuum atmosphere furnace should be used for low temperature test. Whether to dry the working room before, keep the working room dry and then put the test samples into the working room to do the test again. Whether the test samples in the working room are placed too much so that the wind in the working room cannot be fully circulated, and the above reasons are eliminated. After that, it is necessary to consider whether it is a fault in the refrigeration system, so that professionals must be asked for maintenance.