- 10
- Jan
Advantages of steel rod heating equipment
강철 막대 가열 장비의 장점:
1. Digital air-cooled induction heating power supply control, energy saving and environmental protection, low power consumption;
2. 빠른 가열 속도, 적은 산화 및 탈탄소, 높은 생산 효율 및 에너지 절약 원료;
3. 가열이 안정적이고 균일하며 온도 제어 정확도가 높고 온도 차가 작고 오염이 없습니다.
4. Complete protection function, automatic alarm function for equipment failure, and strong operation reliability;
5. High degree of mechanization and automation: with high degree of power supply intelligence and precise temperature adjustment;
6. Intelligent advantages such as frequency conversion automatic tracking, variable load adaptive, automatic power adjustment, etc., are “one-button” operation