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Advantages of steel rod heating equipment

स्टिल रड तताउने उपकरणका फाइदाहरू:

1. Digital air-cooled induction heating power supply control, energy saving and environmental protection, low power consumption;

2. छिटो ताप गति, कम अक्सीकरण र decarbonization, उच्च उत्पादन दक्षता, र ऊर्जा बचत कच्चा माल;

3. ताप स्थिर र समान छ, तापमान नियन्त्रण शुद्धता उच्च छ, तापमान भिन्नता सानो छ, र कुनै प्रदूषण छैन;

4. Complete protection function, automatic alarm function for equipment failure, and strong operation reliability;

5. High degree of mechanization and automation: with high degree of power supply intelligence and precise temperature adjustment;

6. Intelligent advantages such as frequency conversion automatic tracking, variable load adaptive, automatic power adjustment, etc., are “one-button” operation