- 04
- Dec
How to use soft mica board
How to use soft mica board
Tabloya mîkyaya nerm madeyek îzolekirinê ya bi teşe ye ku bi girêdana mîkyaya nazik bi adhesive an girêdana mîka nazik li ser materyalek bihêzker a yekalî an dualî bi adhesive ve hatî çêkirin, û dûv re tê pijandin û pêxistin. Tabloya mîka nerm ji bo insulasyona hêlîna motorê maqûl e û Insulate di navbera xwe de vedigire. Pêdivî ye ku panela mîka nermik xwedan keviyên xweş û belavkirina adhesive ya yekbûyî be. Destûr nadin ku nepaqijiyên biyanî, delamînasyon û rijandin di navbera pelan de. Divê panelê mîka nerm di bin şert û mercên normal de nerm be, û heyama hilanînê 3 meh e.
Werin, em îro biaxivin ka çêkerên panelê mîka nerm çawa dikarin qalîteya tabloyên mîka nerm çêtir bikin da ku hin hilberên mîkayê yên sexte û hindik xuya nebin. Di heman demê de, çêkerên panelê mîka nerm zanînek û têgihiştinek peyda dikin da ku di navbera baş û xirab de cûda bikin.
The soft mica board is made by bonding, heating and pressing mica paper and organic silica gel water. The mica content is about 90% and the organic silica gel water content is 10%. Because the mica paper used is different, its performance is also different. The soft mica board is pressed through a day and night hot press. The soft mica board has high bending strength and excellent toughness. It can be processed by punching. The shape does not have the advantages of layering.
Zehf û neyînîyên panelê mîka nerm cuda bikin:
1: Pêşîn, li şilbûna rûbera tabloya mîka nerm, bêyî nehevseng û şelqan binihêrin.
2: Alî nikare bête qat kirin, divê xêz bi rêkûpêk be, û goşeya rast jî 90 pileyî be.
3: Asbest tune, dûman û bîhn kêm dema ku tê germ kirin, tewra bê dûman û bê tam jî.
The high temperature resistance of soft mica board is an insulating material widely used in high-temperature furnaces. With the maturity of mica board production technology, its performance requirements and quality are constantly strengthened. The soft mica board has excellent high temperature resistance and insulation performance, high temperature resistance up to 1000 ℃, and has a good cost performance among high temperature insulation materials. The soft mica board has excellent bending strength and processing performance. The soft mica board has high bending strength and excellent toughness. It can be processed into various special-shaped parts with lathes, milling machines, and drills without delamination. Manufacturers that can only be shaped by good quality, and the unremitting efforts of soft mica board manufacturers, have made the soft mica board have excellent quality.