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How to use soft mica board

How to use soft mica board

Yumshoq slyuda plitasi plastinka shaklidagi izolyatsion material bo’lib, yupqa slyudani yopishtiruvchi bilan bog’lash yoki yupqa slyudani bir tomonlama yoki ikki tomonlama mustahkamlovchi materialga yopishtiruvchi bilan yopishtirish, so’ngra pishirish va presslash yo’li bilan tayyorlanadi. Yumshoq slyuda taxtasi motor uyasi izolyatsiyasi uchun mos keladi va ular orasidagi izolyatsiyani aylantiradi. Yumshoq slyuda taxtasi toza qirralarga va bir xil yopishtiruvchi taqsimotga ega bo’lishi kerak. Yoriqlar orasidagi begona aralashmalar, delaminatsiya va oqishlarga yo’l qo’yilmaydi. Yumshoq slyuda taxtasi normal sharoitda moslashuvchan bo’lishi kerak va saqlash muddati 3 oy.

Bugun keling, yumshoq slyuda taxta ishlab chiqaruvchilari yumshoq slyuda plitalarining sifatini qanday yaxshilashi mumkinligi haqida gapiraylik, shunda ba’zi soxta va past slyuda mahsulotlari paydo bo’lmasligi kerak. Shu bilan birga, yumshoq slyuda taxta ishlab chiqaruvchilari yaxshi va yomonni farqlash uchun bilim va tushuncha beradi.


The soft mica board is made by bonding, heating and pressing mica paper and organic silica gel water. The mica content is about 90% and the organic silica gel water content is 10%. Because the mica paper used is different, its performance is also different. The soft mica board is pressed through a day and night hot press. The soft mica board has high bending strength and excellent toughness. It can be processed by punching. The shape does not have the advantages of layering.


Yumshoq slyuda taxtasining ijobiy va salbiy tomonlarini ajrating:


1: Birinchidan, yumshoq slyuda taxtasi yuzasining tekisligiga, notekislik va chizishsiz qarash.


2: Yon qatlamli bo’lishi mumkin emas, kesma toza bo’lishi kerak va to’g’ri burchak 90 daraja bo’lishi kerak.


3: asbest yo’q, qizdirilganda tutun va hid kamroq, hatto tutunsiz va ta’msiz.


The high temperature resistance of soft mica board is an insulating material widely used in high-temperature furnaces. With the maturity of mica board production technology, its performance requirements and quality are constantly strengthened. The soft mica board has excellent high temperature resistance and insulation performance, high temperature resistance up to 1000 ℃, and has a good cost performance among high temperature insulation materials. The soft mica board has excellent bending strength and processing performance. The soft mica board has high bending strength and excellent toughness. It can be processed into various special-shaped parts with lathes, milling machines, and drills without delamination. Manufacturers that can only be shaped by good quality, and the unremitting efforts of soft mica board manufacturers, have made the soft mica board have excellent quality.