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Electric heating equipment for steel bars for forging

Electric heating equipment for steel bars for forging

Taybetmendiyên sereke yên alavên germkirina elektrîkê ji bo darxistina darên pola:

1. Veguheztina frekansa IGBT û verastkirina fonksiyonê, kontrola dualî ya resonansa paralel û teknolojiya şopandina frekansa otomatîk, garantiya pêbaweriya bilind;

2. The steel rod electric heating equipment for forging has a fast heating speed, does not produce decarbonization, and is energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

3. High efficiency; in the full power range, the power factor is high, and the power efficiency is high;

4. Amûra germkirina elektrîkê ya barika pola ya ji bo çêrandinê fonksiyonên parastinê yên bêkêmasî û xweseriya bilind heye;

5. Amûrên germkirina elektrîkê ya bara pola çeqilmast rêjeyek serfiraziya destpêkek bilind, barkirina tam û kapasîteya xebata domdar a 24-saetê heye;

6. Fonksiyona Hilbijartinê ya voltaja hilberîna domdar / kontrola hêza hilbera domdar;

7. Li ser ekranê frekansa, dabînkirina hêzê, voltaj û niha nîşan bide.

8. The temperature of the workpiece is controlled by the American Leitai thermometer, and the heating is even.

9. The air-cooled water-cooled power supply can be selected according to the needs of users, which consumes less energy than ordinary power supplies.