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What failures are prone to occur in induction heating furnaces for forging

What failures are prone to occur in induction heating furnaces for forging

1 Sobeya germkirinê ya induksîyonê ya ji bo çalkirinê bi normalî dixebite, lê li nêzî xalek diyarkirî ya li devera voltaja bilind, firna germkirina induksîyonê ya ji bo çêrkirinê ne aram e, voltmetreya DC dihejîne, û sobeya germkirina induksîyonê ya ji bo çêrandinê bi dengek qijikê re tê.

Sedem: Parçe di bin zexta bilind de dişewitin.

2. The induction heating furnace for forging operates normally, but from time to time a sharp beep and beep sound can be heard, and the DC voltmeter swings slightly.

Sedem: Insulasyona nebaş di navbera zivirandinên transformatorê de.

3. Sobeya germkirina inductionê ya ji bo çêrandinê bi gelemperî dixebite, lê hêz nikare zêde bibe

Sedem: Hêz bilind nabe, ev destnîşan dike ku pîvanên sobeya germkirina inductionê ya ji bo çêrkirinê bi rêkûpêk nayên sererast kirin.

4. The induction heating furnace for forging is operating normally, but when the power is raised or lowered in a certain power section, the induction heating furnace for forging has abnormal sound and jitter, and the electric instrument indicates swing

Reason: This kind of failure usually occurs on the power given potentiometer. A certain section of the power given potentiometer is not smooth and jumps, which causes the instability of the induction heating furnace for forging. In severe cases, the inverter will be overturned and the thyristor will be burned.

5. Fira germkirina inductionê ya ji bo çêrandinê bi gelemperî dixebite, lê reaktora derdor tê germ kirin û şewitandin

Reason: There is asymmetrical operation of the inverter circuit. The main reason for the asymmetrical operation of the inverter circuit comes from the signal circuit; the quality of the bypass reactor itself is not good.

6. The induction heating furnace for forging is operating normally and often breaks down the compensation capacitor

Sedem: sarbûna nebaş, têkçûna kondensatorê; veavakirina kondensatorê têr nake; voltaja frekansa navîn û frekansa xebatê pir zêde ye; di çerxa zêdekirina kondensatorê de, ferqa kapasîteyê ya di navbera kondensatorên rêzeyî û kondensatorên paralel de pir mezin e, di encamê de voltaja nehevseng û têkçûna kondensatorê çêdibe.