- 20
- Jun
Steel bar heat treatment quenching and tempering production line manufacturers
Steel bar heat treatment quenching and tempering production line manufacturers
When purchasing a steel bar heat treatment quenching and tempering production line, it is very important to find the right manufacturer. As a new type of steel bar heat treatment quenching and tempering production line, it is a test for the strength of the induction heating equipment manufacturer. Large and regular manufacturers are more trustworthy and the quality of the equipment is Guarantee and after-sales service are also relatively complete. After visiting the factory, you will feel more assured, bringing users a worry-free and trouble-free steel bar heat treatment quenching and tempering production line, and the later operation is more cost-effective.
Features of steel bar heat treatment quenching and tempering production line:
1. Pergala dabînkirina hêzê: dabînkirina hêzê ya qutkirinê + dabînkirina hêza nermkirinê
2. Hilberîna serê saetê 0.5-3.5 ton e, û rêjeya sepandin li jor ø20-ø120mm e.
3. Ragihandina maseya gerokê: Eksê maseya gerokê û eksê perçeya xebatê goşeyek tê de 18-21° pêk tîne. Parçeya xebatê bi serê xwe dizivire û bi lezek domdar ber bi pêş ve diçe da ku germkirinê yekrengtir bike. Tabloya di navbera laşên firnê de ji polayê zengarnegir 304 ne-magnetîkî û bi avê sar tê çêkirin.
4. Komkirina tabloya Roller: Koma xwarinê, koma sensor û koma dakêşanê bi serbixwe têne kontrol kirin, ku ji bo germkirina domdar bêyî afirandina valahiyek di navbera perçeyên xebatê de dibe alîkar.