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Ciri-ciri hud habuk mudah alih kedudukan rendah

Ciri-ciri hud habuk mudah alih kedudukan rendah

1. Keperluan volum udara sistem adalah munasabah, pelaburannya rendah, strukturnya kukuh, hayat perkhidmatannya panjang, dan operasinya mudah.

2. Semasa memberi makan, masalah pengumuman gas serombong telah diselesaikan. Apabila mengetuk, kerana penutup meliputi lubang penorehan, penorehan selesai dalam penutup, yang melengkapkan keseluruhan proses pengumpulan gas serombong semasa latihan relau pemanasan aruhan, memberi makan dan menoreh.

3. The basic feature of the developed relau pemanasan induksi mobile fume collection hood is that the fume capture power is as high as 95%, which can effectively solve the problem of difficulty in fume capture during feeding and tapping, and complete the process of induction heating furnace steelmaking. Full process capture of flue gas

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