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Mawonekedwe a low-position mobile dust hood

Mawonekedwe a low-position mobile dust hood

1. Dongosolo la voliyumu ya mpweya ndiloyenera, ndalamazo ndizochepa, kapangidwe kake ndi kolimba, moyo wautumiki ndi wautali, ndipo ntchitoyo ndi yosavuta.

2. Podyetsa, vuto la kulengeza gasi la flue lathetsedwa. Pogogoda, chifukwa chivundikirocho chimakwirira dzenje, kugogoda kumamalizidwa pachivundikiro, komwe kumamaliza njira yonse yosonkhanitsira mpweya wa flue panthawi yophunzitsira ng’anjo yotenthetsera, kudyetsa ndi kugogoda.

3. The basic feature of the developed magetsi oyatsira moto mobile fume collection hood is that the fume capture power is as high as 95%, which can effectively solve the problem of difficulty in fume capture during feeding and tapping, and complete the process of induction heating furnace steelmaking. Full process capture of flue gas

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