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What are the types of induction hardening machine tools

कस्ता प्रकारका छन्? प्रेरण कडा बनाउने मेसिन उपकरणहरू

1. Outer circle quenching series: It is used to quench the outer surface of various shafts, rods, tubes and circular parts (such as bearings, valves, etc.) as a whole or locally.

2. Inner circle quenching series: quench the inner circle of various pipes and mechanical parts as a whole or partially, such as cylinder liners, shaft sleeves, etc.

3. End face and plane quenching series: perform overall or partial quenching on the end face and plane part of mechanical parts.

4. विशेष आकारका भागहरू शमन गर्ने श्रृंखला: विशेष आकारका भागहरूको निश्चित सतहमा समग्र वा आंशिक शमन गर्नुहोस्।

5. Extra large parts quenching series: perform overall or partial quenching on large and heavy parts, such as marine gears, dam sluice rails, large oil pipelines, etc.

6. डाइ सतह क्वेन्चिङ शृङ्खला: डाइ सतह इन्डक्सन क्वेन्चिङ मेसिन टुल ठूला अटोमोबाइल कभर मोल्ड र ठूला गैर-वृत्ताकार स्पेस घुमाउरो भागहरूको तातो उपचारका लागि उपयुक्त CNC प्रक्रिया उपकरण हो।