- 10
- Nov
Arbeidsmiljø av pustende murstein
Arbeidsmiljø av pustende murstein
(Picture) FS series impermeable pustende murstein
The steel industry is one of my country’s important industrial industries. In the process of steelmaking, permeable bricks, although occupying a very small part, play a vital role. This article will explain the working environment of breathable bricks in the steelmaking process from four points.
1 Erosion of high-speed and high-pressure airflow and high-temperature molten steel
Under raffineringsprosessen blir det smeltede stålet blåst med argon og omrørt. Høyhastighets- og høytrykksluftstrømmen blåses inn i øsen fra den permeable mursteinen, og røreintensiteten til det smeltede stålet kontrolleres ved hjelp av metoden for å kontrollere gasstrømmen. Fenomenet folk ser med øynene er at det smeltede stålet i øsen koker. På dette tidspunktet samhandler gassen i bunnen av øsen med det smeltede stålet for å danne en turbulent strømning. Samtidig, på grunn av luftstrømmens rekyl, vil den pustende mursteinen og de omkringliggende ildfaste delene bli alvorlig påvirket. Skur.
2 Erosjon av smeltet slagg etter utstøping av smeltet stål
After the molten steel is poured, the working surface of the breathable brick is fully in contact with the slag, and the molten slag continuously infiltrates into the brick along the working face of the breathable brick. The oxides such as CaO, SiO2, Fe203 in the steel slag react with the breathable brick to form a low total The melt causes the ventilation brick to be eroded. To
3 Når øsen er varmreparert, brukes et oksygenrør for å blåse arbeidsflaten til ventilasjonsmursteinen for å forårsake smeltetap
When purging the working surface of the ventilating brick, the staff uses an oxygen tube in front of the ladle to blow the residual steel slag around the ventilating brick until the ventilating brick turns black slightly.
4 Den raske kalde og varme under syklusomsetningen og den mekaniske vibrasjonen under heiseprosessen
Ladle receiving steel is carried out intermittently in turn, heavy ladle is affected by rapid heat, and empty ladle is affected by rapid cooling. At the same time, the ladle is inevitably impacted by external forces during operation, resulting in mechanical stress.
Avsluttende kommentarer
It can be seen that the working environment of breathable bricks is extremely harsh. For steel mills, it is necessary to ensure production, but also to ensure the good use of breathable bricks, and more importantly, safety. Therefore, the importance of breathable bricks in steelmaking is evident.