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Advantages and characteristics of the steel rod heat treatment quenching and tempering line

Advantages and characteristics of the steel rod heat treatment quenching and tempering line:

1. Mpweya wozizira wa IGBT woyambitsa kutentha kwa magetsi, kugwiritsira ntchito mphamvu zochepa komanso kupanga kwakukulu.

2. Kutentha kwachangu, kuchepa kwa okosijeni, kupulumutsa zinthu ndi ndalama.

3. The steel rod heat treatment and tempering line has uniform heating, extremely small temperature difference between core and surface, high temperature control accuracy, high degree of automation, and can realize fully automatic operation.

4. The strong stability, reliability and safety of the steel rod heat treatment and tempering line are the guarantee for the normal and stable operation of the heating production line of the assembly line.

5. Kutentha kotsekeka kachitidwe ka loop control, infrared thermometer imayesa kutentha kwa chinthu chopanda kanthu pakutuluka kwa ng’anjo yotenthetsera, ndikuwonetsa kutentha kwa chogwirira ntchito mu nthawi yeniyeni. Mlingo woyenera wa zinthu zomalizidwa ndi wapamwamba, zomwe zimatsimikizira kugwirizana kwa khalidwe la mankhwala. Kuti

6. The steel bar heat treatment production line has a high start-up success rate. It can be started quickly under any load and any temperature, with intelligent protection and perfect fault diagnosis.