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Advantages and characteristics of the steel rod heat treatment quenching and tempering line

Advantages and characteristics of the steel rod heat treatment quenching and tempering line:

1. Havo sovutgichli IGBT induksion isitish quvvat manbai nazorati, kam quvvat iste’moli va yuqori ishlab chiqarish samaradorligi.

2. Tez isitish tezligi, kamroq oksidlovchi dekarbonizatsiya, materiallar va xarajatlarni tejash.

3. The steel rod heat treatment and tempering line has uniform heating, extremely small temperature difference between core and surface, high temperature control accuracy, high degree of automation, and can realize fully automatic operation.

4. The strong stability, reliability and safety of the steel rod heat treatment and tempering line are the guarantee for the normal and stable operation of the heating production line of the assembly line.

5. Haroratni yopiq pastadir nazorat qilish tizimi, infraqizil termometr induksion isitish pechining chiqishida blankaning isitish haroratini o’lchaydi va ish qismini isitish haroratini real vaqtda ko’rsatadi. Tayyor mahsulotlarning malakali darajasi yuqori, bu mahsulot sifatining izchilligini ta’minlaydi. Kimga

6. The steel bar heat treatment production line has a high start-up success rate. It can be started quickly under any load and any temperature, with intelligent protection and perfect fault diagnosis.